« He was an expert in men, and those were not. »
Laurent Obertone
Guerilla, Volume 2: The Time of the Barbarians |
Laurent Obertone
Guerilla, Volume 2: The Time of the Barbarians
« What if some immigrants didn't have the capacity to succeed? If that were the case, we would have to call the Halde, to bring a lawsuit to this book, to Darwin and possibly to God. Despite strong communitarianism, immigrants from East Asia have a strong capacity to adapt to Western, developed and industrial societies, regardless of continent, social level and number of individuals concerned. Their crime rate is very low, as in their home countries. But East Asians live in societies very similar to European societies. Is the key to successful adaptation cultural, community-specific? For hundreds of generations, Western and Asian societies have put enormous pressure on their citizens. Working time, social involvement, moral obligations, a lifestyle focused on competition and production, organizational and administrative complexity, over-information, social pressure of consumption and culture, strong intellectual and social demands... This environment, which seems banal to us, is enough to upset the foreigner. Because of their culture, some immigrants are different. This should please the progressive, but it is not. Diversity is very good, but he prefers the immigrant to be his equal. Equivalent. Same. Socialist, that would be perfect. We pretend to exalt differences, while refusing to admit them, because they do not fit with our ideas. How is it absurd or appalling to speculate that certain communities, their culture, their history, are better suited to certain environments than to others? Not everyone is made to conform to the Western way of life, even when it is exported, South Africa can attest to this. In North and South America, the adjustment difficulties of some have persisted for decades. »
Laurent Obertone
France mechanical orange |
Laurent Obertone
France mechanical orange
« And he already knew that his conscience, this vulture, would leave him no rest. »
Laurent Obertone
Guerilla, Volume 2: The Time of the Barbarians |
Laurent Obertone
Guerilla, Volume 2: The Time of the Barbarians