« The exit from religion: p. 11 Exit from religion does not mean leaving religious belief, but coming out of a world where religion is structuring, where it commands the political form of societies and where it defines the economy of social bonding. A thesis that is therefore strictly wrong against the understanding of the religious phenomenon in terms of superstructure. It is precisely in societies outside of religion that the religious can be mistaken for a superstructure in relation to an infrastructure that works very well without it - wrongly, but the optical illusion is inherent in the structure of contemporary societies. In societies prior to this event, on the other hand, religion is an integral part of social functioning. The exit from religion is the passage into a world where religions continue to exist, but within a political form and a collective order that they no longer determine. »
Marcel Gauchet
Religion in democracy. The path of secularism |
Marcel Gauchet
Religion in democracy. The path of secularism
« The hypothesis we propose to support is that we have definitely moved from a traditional society to a knowledge society. This shift has resulted, in the school order, in the substitution of a model centered on the act of learning to an earlier model that remained controlled, despite all its evolutions, by the imperative to transmit. »
Marcel Gauchet
Transmit, learn |
Marcel Gauchet
Transmit, learn
« It is a real internalization of the market model that we are witnessing - an event with incalculable anthropological consequences. ... From the duty of selflessness that defined the public man (...), to the tacit injunction to align himself with his own interest, the step is immense, and the sequels promise to be heavy. (p. 118-119) »
Marcel Gauchet
Religion in democracy. The path of secularism |
Marcel Gauchet
Religion in democracy. The path of secularism