Quotations from Marcel Gauchet in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Marcel Gauchet, updated on Wednesday, January 22, 2025.
« Is this book really necessary on the eve of the election? The finding is so harsh on the betrayals of our political elites that it can lead to discouragement. How they remain deaf to the shared intelligence of citizens; how they betray more or less knowingly (especially the Socialists, who have made it a system of government since Mitterrand); how Europe is above all a symptom of a failure of internal policy, a worse way... Of course, this book of interviews does not escape a few facilities, sometimes bordering on the counter discussion. From time to time, we would like to see more arguments in numbers and data. But in the end, the analysis remains precise as the blade of a scalpel. With some historical keys useful to understanding current excesses: the way in which the Old Regime, incessantly, attempts to colonize the Revolution; "radicalism of neo-liberalism that expresses itself without radicalism"; ubiquitous yet denied and masked ideology. Yes, finally, to read before going to vote. »
Marcel Gauchet
Understanding French unhappiness
Marcel Gauchet
Understanding French unhappiness
« He is not involved in the life of the Constituent Assembly committees, which are very active and which will leave an admirable work for some. His domain is the forum and he multiplies in order to reach, above all, the people outside, starting with the public who attend the debates. He blames himself as the spokesperson, at the same time as he seeks approval. this mixture between selfless conviction and the desire for popularity will remain forever untangled in the character. »
Marcel Gauchet
Robespierre: The man who divides us the most
Marcel Gauchet
Robespierre: The man who divides us the most
« The dynamics of becoming disjointed all that had remained linked; it separates the rulers from the governed; it divides classes; it scatters individuals; it segmentes social work. The past, present and future are dizzyingly far away. Hence the anguish and revolt that rise before a future where the unleashing of the power of men to make themselves snatched from themselves by making them alien to each other, deprives them of power over their world and plunges them into an unlivable social state. »
Marcel Gauchet
The advent of democracy. Volume 1: The Modern Revolution
Marcel Gauchet
The advent of democracy. Volume 1: The Modern Revolution
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