« The beating of my heart from minute to minute became more painful because I augmentais my agitation by preaching me a calm that was the acceptance of my misfortune. »
Marcel Proust
Du côté de chez Swann |
Marcel Proust
Du côté de chez Swann
« What I reproach newspapers, it's to make us pay attention every day of things insignificant, while we read three or four times in our life books where there are essential things. »
Marcel Proust
Du côté de chez Swann |
Marcel Proust
Du côté de chez Swann
« We never know that the passions of others, and that what we know of us, is to them that we were able to learn it. »
Marcel Proust
Du côté de chez Swann |
Marcel Proust
Du côté de chez Swann