Quotations from Marcel Rufo in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Marcel Rufo, updated on Wednesday, January 22, 2025.
« Returning from school, I saw a man, dressed in a marcel and a blue of China, with a cap on his head. I did not cross, merely sending him, from afar, a sign of the hand to which he answered. The friend who accompanied me that day, son of a naval officer, then exclaimed, surprised: "You have funny encounters! "He's my father," I said. "My father is a quiet and quiet man. He never raises his voice and needs few words to be heard, but I never dispute what he says. I obey him for the good reason that he is my father and that I respect him. "Between us, there is no need for demonstrative outpourings; a respectful distance is enough to recognize each other, each in its place. » »
Marcel Rufo
Everyone is looking for a father
Marcel Rufo
Everyone is looking for a father
« our society is a champion of tolerance. Each is asked to accept and respect the other, as it is, with its differences. Black, white, Maghreb, small, fat, gay or heterosexual, physically or mentally handicapped, all equal, all similar, all with the same rights... No discrimination is more tolerated and it is to be welcomed. Why should the mentally ill be the only ones still ostracized? Why add disarray, misunderstanding, worry, shame, isolation, loneliness to already painful situations? »
Marcel Rufo
Life in a mess: A journey in adolescence
Marcel Rufo
Life in a mess: A journey in adolescence
« Children are masters of their destiny with the support of their parents. (...). Parents are accountable for the child's progress, more than producing this progress. The child depends first of all on himself, it is the parents who adapt to him more than the other way around. »
Marcel Rufo
Oedipus yourself! : Consultations of a child psychiatrist
Marcel Rufo
Oedipus yourself! : Consultations of a child psychiatrist
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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