Quotations from Marcel Rufo in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Marcel Rufo, updated on Wednesday, January 22, 2025.
« At this age, too, he acquires the notion of time - and, with it, the enduring memory of what he lives, the stories he is told, the journeys he can mentally iron. It is through temporality that he appropriates his thought. He also becomes aware of death and our finitude, which makes him very sensitive, around 6-7 years, to the aging of his parents. Fear of the disease makes him reject tobacco, for example. »
Marcel Rufo
You'll do better than me: Fears and desires for school
Marcel Rufo
You'll do better than me: Fears and desires for school
« Contemporary art has found its favourite themes here. More generally, these inclinations, which were sought to divert children and which were once relegated, at best, into the private sphere, are now at the heart of the major public policy issues: the establishment of an education system and a labour market are called for, which give everyone the opportunity to fully realize all its potential (including the most singular); we want an ever more personalized health offer; everyone aspires to a society where they can promote and recognize all their "differences"; ecological concern, such as animal protection, is asserted in proportion to our sense of belonging to the natural and animal world. »
Marcel Rufo
Dictionary in love with childhood and adolescence
Marcel Rufo
Dictionary in love with childhood and adolescence
« "The importance of childhood memories in the lives of authors stems ultimately from the assumption that literary work, like the daytime dream, is a continuation and substitution of the childish games of yesteryear." SIGMUND FREUD »
Marcel Rufo
Dictionary in love with childhood and adolescence
Marcel Rufo
Dictionary in love with childhood and adolescence
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