Quotations from Marie-Aude Murail in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Marie-Aude Murail, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« Dingley Bell did not show his best when we returned as owners. It had been raining since the morning and the house smelled musty. But Ned was waiting for us and Nefertiti was in the stable. The rain stopped shortly before sunset and the sky took on adorable pink hues. My happiness was so great that evening that I could not hold up in my room. I put on my boots, threw a shawl over my shoulders and went down to the garden. The earth was all soggy, but the air was soft and fragrant. I walked up to the stone wall without hearing any noise other than that of my steps tearing off the slush. I looked up at the sky. The night was beautiful, crossed by the Milky Way. I was in the mud, I was looking at the stars, and you were there, Kenneth Ashley. »
Marie-Aude Murail
Miss Charity
Marie-Aude Murail
Miss Charity
« - The other Morlevent is a real one. He's our half-brother. He works in an antique shop. The word "seller" was repugnant to Simeon. Seller, it was the same as con. But he had saved the best for last. - His name is Bartholomew - Wah! made the two sisters - It's like the Mage King is ecstatizing Venice. Morgane and Simeon looked at each other with a smile. Both knew that the little sister was confused with Balthazar. But the idea of a big brother arriving on a camel was not to displease. »
Marie-Aude Murail
Oh, boy !
Marie-Aude Murail
Oh, boy !
« - It's a shock. The doctor could not find anything else to explain the hallucinations that took hold of Simple for three days. The roommates took turns to watch over him, and one morning it was Corentin's turn. He glanced at Simple, who appeared to be asleep, and then sat down in the chair. "Where is he, Mr. Pinpin?" Corentin leapt from his seat, as if he had just poked himself into it. Simple had straightened up, more shaggy than ever, the blue of his eyes igniting the straw of his hair. "How are you, old man?" Do you recognize me, Corentin? "Wherever he is, Mr. Pinpin?" Corentin caught the plush wholeened on the shelf. Simple took it and put it in front of him. A strange sadness could be seen on his visa. Why are people being mean to Mr. Pinpin? Simple had a knack for upsetting Corentin. He began by turning his head away to wipe his eyes. It's not... not really that they are mean. But people don't understand Mr. Pinpin well. It is... it is too different from them. With his big ears and... Uh... his whiskers. Finally, you see it's a rabbit... - A talking rabbit, the Simple A assist. "Yes, that's it. People, they're surprised, they're a little scared. Simple sigh: - It's complicated. - Well, stay simple. People don't care. - Oh, oh naughty word. Corentin ran to warn Enzo at the salon: - He's cured! »
Marie-Aude Murail
Marie-Aude Murail
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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