Quotations from Marie-Aude Murail in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Marie-Aude Murail, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« Along the way, a short scene, set in the parking lot, stopped Savior's attention. A very young woman with a stroller had just leaned over to pick up a teddy bear that her baby had thrown overboard. She stood up and began to yell at the little one, who was no more than a year old and who looked at her with big blue eyes stunned. -But are you done pissing off? I've picked it up for two times! It's disgusting on the floor, too! Savior could not pass up such an anti-educational attitude. "Excuse me, ma'am. The young mother had just taken her seat behind the stroller. She turned to Savior with a scowling face. The phrase "low ceiling" seemed to have been created for her. - I saw you talking to your child. He's too small to understand the meaning of your words, but he feels you're angry. Since he doesn't understand why you're angry, he thinks you're not happy that he exists, and that's a shame because he's a beautiful baby and he's a credit to you. The young woman had listened to him, stunned. Then his naturalness took over. - And why does he shit to throw his softie on the ground? - He doesn't know it's boring for you, ma'am. He's just doing an experiment on falling bodies. You may have a future scientist in your stroller. The young mother glanced suspiciously at her einstein, whistled between her teeth: "a sssavant", and then, giving a good jolt to the stroller, walked away towards the entrance to the hospital. »
Marie-Aude Murail
Savior - Son, season 3
Marie-Aude Murail
Savior - Son, season 3
« "Dad," asked Lazarus before Savior turned off the light, "does it matter if I have only ONE friend?" - A friend? But that's a lot! »
Marie-Aude Murail
Savior - Son, Season 1
Marie-Aude Murail
Savior - Son, Season 1
« You don't save people from themselves, Lazarus. We can love them, accompany them, encourage them, support them. But everyone saves himself, if he wants to, if he can. You can help others, Lazarus, but you're not all-powerful. »
Marie-Aude Murail
Savior - Son, Season 1
Marie-Aude Murail
Savior - Son, Season 1
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