Quotations from Marie-Aude Murail in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Marie-Aude Murail, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« The three graçons went to the pool. Kleber could not convince his brother to trade his dolphin buoy for a liege belt. Simple had an unstoppable argument! THE CORKS CAN'T SWIM, DOLPHINS CAN! »
Marie-Aude Murail
Marie-Aude Murail
« I was brought to an early age, since I was not fifteen years old, to be interested in various forms of rot. By chance, I forgot a piece of bread for Peter on the window sill. A few days later, I was able to regale my eyes with a beautiful mold of white stems finished by small black balls that are spores. Mold did not take me away from my primary interest in mycology, since they are also fungi. I then did various experiments such as throwing dead flies into a closed jar of water. After a few days, the flies covered themselves with a light white film - which I could study under a microscope. I also had fun locking damaged fruit in a jar and placing them in different places: in a warm cupboard, on a cool shelf in the cellar, behind a window exposed to the sun, which allowed me to determine the best conditions for mold development. My science diary was proliferating and Herr Schmal was applauding me, going so far as to say that young girls should do science rather than embroidery. One day I dared to tell him of my plan to bring together in one study all the mushrooms that could grow in a London garden. »
Marie-Aude Murail
Miss Charity
Marie-Aude Murail
Miss Charity
« Do the secrets that surround you from their clouds prevent you from living, growing, loving? This was the question he asked himself about each of his patients, Ella, Margaux, Blandine, Cyrille, Lucile, Marion, Élodie, Gabin. Do they, do we need to know everything? »
Marie-Aude Murail
Savior - Son, Season 1
Marie-Aude Murail
Savior - Son, Season 1
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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