Quotations from Marie-Aude Murail in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Marie-Aude Murail, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« It's easier to say you're worthless than to fight to prove you have it. »
Marie-Aude Murail
Miss Charity
Marie-Aude Murail
Miss Charity
« - I finished my drawing! announced joyfully Elodie. -Come and show it to us, invited Saint-Yves. She had drawn six men. "Are you going to explain it to us?" "Yes, then, this is Dad with me," she said, pointing to a tall man and a little man holding hands. Mylene, she went skateboarding. - Okay, I'm not going to do that. - There is mom and her girlfriend. (..) - Okay, I'm not going to do that. "And that's Lucile," concludes the little girl, pointing to a long-haired yellow man. " And then I don't exist? cried Marion, truly outraged. "Oops," said the little girl, who ran with her sheet towards the drawing table. She soon returned, triumphantly, having added a square with buttons. "Is that me?" marion was astonished. - It's your phone. You're in the back. »
Marie-Aude Murail
Savior - Son, Season 1
Marie-Aude Murail
Savior - Son, Season 1
« - I absolutely have to check this email, I'm for one... - I read recently, interrupted Savior in a loud voice, that, on average, the holders of an inbox check its contents 37 times an hour, or every 90 seconds. "No?" exclaimed Madame Foucard. Notice, it's possible when I'm in the office. '37 times an hour,' you say? She started texting. - What are you doing? - I forward the info to the dad of Mailys, it will burst. Lionel is even more addicted than me... 'All 90...' You can keep talking, I usually manage several things at once. - I'm not a thing. She took off her gaze from the screen. "Hey? Of course not. Bing. That was Mailys' dad's answer. Madame Foucard had a smile of triumph. - He's going to tweet the info! - Mrs Foucard, have you come to tell me about your daughter or your addiction to new technologies? (p. 37-38) »
Marie-Aude Murail
Savior - Son, season 3
Marie-Aude Murail
Savior - Son, season 3
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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