Quotations from Marie Bardet in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Marie Bardet, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« The children of chaos have not asked to be born and their violent innocence is clearly not guilty of any liabilities. But how can one tear yourself away from one's memory without tearing your heart out? How can we not repeat at his expense the dramas that we have not experienced, in front of the impassive actors of the tombs? »
Marie Bardet
To the right of the father
Marie Bardet
To the right of the father
« The storm surprises Sean in the cabin. It is first the crackling of the downpour and a pungent, silty scent that interferes in his sleep. The teenager dreams that he sleeps on a deep, forgetful night in the narrow cavity of a cave. An unknown but infinitely familiar voice reverberates through the walls. Is it the echo of the desire to live or the darkened voice of death? Everything cracks through the murky flashes of his memory. The body, alone, remembers. As menacing black clouds accumulate on the clear-eyed roof, the long anguished call reverberates. Sean clings to this nagging echo that holds him to the edge of a chasm. »
Marie Bardet
Marie Bardet
« In the café of the havanes, behind the smoky glass, the one she thought for Maksim was another. And this double, in turn, by the disturbing mimicry of a name, had snatched from his memory a ghost. While the moon bathed the swirls of a crystal burst, Maksim had denied it. His brother's allusion was irrelevant to reality. The spectrum is taking shape, this time, no doubt possible. In the room that sweats love, he invites himself with a bang. »
Marie Bardet
To the right of the father
Marie Bardet
To the right of the father
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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