Quotations from Melanie Klein in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Melanie Klein, updated on Wednesday, January 22, 2025.
« In everyday life, the simplest example of projection is the you too. If someone attributes something unpleasant to us, we often instantly assume that this thing is actually in them. »
Melanie Klein
Love and Hate
Melanie Klein
Love and Hate
« In this book, we will study some aspects of the emotional lives of men and women who are part of civilized communities, aspects of which are well known to all of us on a daily basis. These emotional manifestations have two fundamental sources; these are the two great primitive instincts of man: hunger and love; in other words, the instinct to preserve and the sexual instinct. Our life is essentially at the service of a dual objective: to secure the livelihood and, at the same time, to derive pleasure from this existence. We all know that these goals generate deep emotions and can cause great happiness or misfortune. »
Melanie Klein
Love and Hate
Melanie Klein
Love and Hate
« By fleeing a good thing, which has become more or less bad in our eyes, we preserve - in spirit - an image of what was good, which had almost been lost. And, discovering it elsewhere, it's as if we are bringing it back to another place. »
Melanie Klein
Love and Hate
Melanie Klein
Love and Hate
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