« These people spend their lives searching, finding and then being disappointed because, either in quality or in intensity, their desires are disproportionate and unachievable. In the end, they only turn away, despise and reject only to immediately start looking for »
Melanie Klein
Love and Hate |
Melanie Klein
Love and Hate
« To some extent, the baby becomes aware of his addiction, he discovers that he cannot satisfy all his own desires; he cries and shouts; it becomes aggressive. `...` This experience allows her an awareness of love (in the form of desire) and a recognition of dependence (in the form of need) at the same time as it is accompanied, inextricably linked to it, feelings and irresistible sensations of pain and the threat of destruction inside and outside. The world of the baby escapes its action; in this world of his have occurred a strike, an earthquake, all because he loves and desires, that such love can bring pain and ruin. Yet he cannot control or extise his desire, hatred, or efforts to grasp and obtain; this whole crisis destroys his well-being. »
Melanie Klein
Love and Hate |
Melanie Klein
Love and Hate
« When the mechanism of projection becomes too important and the anguish and distrust of others that result from it become too intense, the dependence on marriage will give rise to bouts of fear and hatred that will destroy any possibility of a state of love pleasure and bring back into the vicious circle of the desire for possession. frustration and disintegration. »
Melanie Klein
Love and Hate |
Melanie Klein
Love and Hate