« It is much more difficult to detect the presence of a system or a "propaganda model" in the case of private media, in the absence of "official" censorship, and this is even more so when the media, which actively compete, attack or periodically denounce the misdeeds or abuses of the government and the capital world, by positioning themselves aggressively as defenders of freedom of expression or by making themselves the spokespersons. What is far from obvious (and little discussed in the media) is the "limited" nature of such criticisms, as well as the glaring inequality that governs access to resources; this has an impact on access to private media systems as much as on their behaviour and performance. »
Noam Chomsky
The fabric of public opinion. The economic policy of the American media |
Noam Chomsky
The fabric of public opinion. The economic policy of the American media
« The victors do not investigate their own crimes, so little is known about them, a principle that suffers few exceptions: the human toll of the American wars in Indochina, for example, is not known to several million. »
Noam Chomsky
Dominate the world or save the planet? : America in search of global hegemony |
Noam Chomsky
Dominate the world or save the planet? : America in search of global hegemony
« In Europe, the decline of democracy is just as alarming (as in the United States) decision-making on many crucial issues now rests with the bureaucrats in Brussels and the financial bodies they largely tend to represent. In July 2005, their contempt for democracy was manifested in the violent reaction to the mere idea that the Greek people could decide on the future fate of society, ruined by the brutal austerity policies of the troika (European Commission, European Central Bank and IMF) the latter, in particular its political branch, its economists having been critical of destructive policies. These austerity policies had been imposed with the stated objective of reducing Greece's debt. In fact, they had the effect of digging it in relation to GDP while the Greek social fabric was reduced to shreds, and the country served as an alibi to bail out the French and German banks that granted subprime loans. »
Noam Chomsky
Who leads the world? |
Noam Chomsky
Who leads the world?