« Currently, in the United States, the irresponsible ideology of short-term profit is booming. The American employers have shown admirable frankness in publicly announcing that they are organizing gigantic propaganda campaigns to convince the public to ignore the current destruction of the environment, which is becoming quite difficult, even for the most blind. And as the polls show, these campaigns have had a real impact on public opinion. »
Noam Chomsky
On nuclear war and disasters... |
Noam Chomsky
On nuclear war and disasters...
« I imagine that any serious environmentalist would agree that saving whales does not get to the bottom of the problem, and that occupying oil rigs is at best a tactic to draw attention to deeper causes `...` In addition to being the ones who (as usual) suffer the most, the poor are also often at the origin of actions that address the true roots of the problem. Thus, at the People's Summit in Bolivia, a Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth was drafted, where indigenous peoples from around the world unite against the quest for predatory and self-destructive profits led by the rich. »
Noam Chomsky
On nuclear war and disasters... |
Noam Chomsky
On nuclear war and disasters...
« Although rarely mentioned, the preparations carried out during the Second World War were very instructive: between 1939 and 1945, during summit meetings, the Roosevelt administration more or less organized the post-war years. The leaders knew that the United States would emerge from the conflict in a position of strength, if not triumphant. . . . These meetings served to explicitly establish certain fundamentals that were later implemented, such as the idea of "Grand Domain". In this territory that the United States was called upon to lead, no manifestation of sovereignty was to interfere with American projects - it is said openly, almost in these terms. »
Noam Chomsky
On nuclear war and disasters... |
Noam Chomsky
On nuclear war and disasters...