« In the case of Agent Orange `used during the Vietnam conflict`, the U.S. government claimed to be unaware that it contained dioxin, one of the most well-known deadly carcinogens. Wilcox demonstrates that the companies that supplied the state knowingly chose not to remove the lethal components for economic reasons. It is hard to believe that Washington did not know; it is more likely to be what has sometimes been referred to as "intentional ignorance." »
Noam Chomsky
On nuclear war and disasters... |
Noam Chomsky
On nuclear war and disasters...
« In other words, we can ask the following question: what initial structure must possess the mind in order to be able to construct such a grammar from the data of the senses? »
Noam Chomsky
Language and Thought |
Noam Chomsky
Language and Thought
« One of the main elements of anarchism is what has been called libertarian socialism. Rather, I would prefer Rudolf Brocker's idea that the main tendencies of anarchism should be drawn from the best of the Enlightenment and classical liberal thought. I will go even further by adding that in fact, as I have tried to demonstrate, they are paradoxically opposed with Marxist-Leninist practice and doctrine, with libertarian doctrines in vogue in the United States and the United Kingdom in particular, and with other contemporary ideologies, which in my view are a plea for some form of illegitimate authority. »
Noam Chomsky
Reason and freedom. On human nature, education and the role of intellectuals |
Noam Chomsky
Reason and freedom. On human nature, education and the role of intellectuals