« In fact there was a major scientific revolution in the 17th century, and there have since been a lot of growths from it, (...). But that's all. Nothing has ever happened in the social sciences that looks, even from afar, like a scientific revolution »
Noam Chomsky
Reason and freedom. On human nature, education and the role of intellectuals |
Noam Chomsky
Reason and freedom. On human nature, education and the role of intellectuals
« By these essential characteristics and its mode of use, language is the fundamental criterion that determines whether another organism is a being endowed with a human spirit and the human ability to think freely, to express oneself and to possess this human desire par excellence: to free oneself from the external constraints imposed by a repressive authority. »
Noam Chomsky
Reason and freedom. On human nature, education and the role of intellectuals |
Noam Chomsky
Reason and freedom. On human nature, education and the role of intellectuals
« The trick is not to stay isolated. If one is isolated, like Winston Smith in 1984, then sooner or later one let go, as he does in the end. In a nutshell, this is what Orwell's novel said. In fact, the whole history of control over the people boils down to this: isolating people from each other, because if you can keep them isolated long enough, you can make them believe anything. But when people come together, then a lot of things become possible. (pages 33-34) »
Noam Chomsky
Understanding Power: Volume 2 |
Noam Chomsky
Understanding Power: Volume 2