Quotations from Papacito (Ugo Gil Jimenez) in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Papacito (Ugo Gil Jimenez), updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« "The indolent obese, the fragile, the coward, the cheater, the amorphous joint smoker, all these sons of a bitch can meet one afternoon to go and throw a peanut to a monkey smarter than them or throw a slice of ham to a Bengal tiger who has lost seventy-eight kilos because he lives in captivity for the pleasure of the long-term unemployed who have preferential rates to go and watch him. Fucking, go!" »
Papacito (Ugo Gil Jimenez)
War notebooks
Papacito (Ugo Gil Jimenez)
War notebooks
« And those who extol democracy as the purest regime should wonder about the difference that comes from being led by a child (Saint Louis) who knows how to ride a horse and speak Latin, in the face of the inevitability of being led by depleted turkeys, as flaccid as they are impotent, having no experience that induces to sweat through work. To that caused by the digestion of the gargantuan meals that they pass on the back of the taxpayers, happy to be fucked democratically rather than to be directed royally. What is the worth of a snowman like François Mitterrand in front of the immense Saint Louis? What is a fat and weak François Hollande worth against a Philippe Auguste? What do all these ravens weigh without relief or rib cage, facing the young Louis, armed, standing on the plain at just fifteen years old in front of the enemies of France? What is higher and nobler than the brave Louis, still pure of calculations that blacken the souls of those who agglomerate them for an appetite for power today? Why this love of the French for this democratic Republic that brings him Islamic terrorism and progressive Anglicism? Why glorify a revolution that had Saint Louis replaced by Maudit Macron? Why celebrate this regime that will disintegrate France in less than a century? »
Papacito (Ugo Gil Jimenez)
Twilight of the Titans
Papacito (Ugo Gil Jimenez)
Twilight of the Titans
« About cathedrals What Western man has produced is the purest, the most beautiful, the most appplied, the most personal and the most monumental of all its history. To build a cathedral is to undertake to suffer a work of goldsmith of an unspeakable delicacy to die without seeing the finalization. »
Papacito (Ugo Gil Jimenez)
(Source unknown)
Papacito (Ugo Gil Jimenez)
(Source unknown)
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