« In Australia, a century ago, the Arandas gave a young woman a terrible rite of passage about to get married. A group of men took him into the thicket, inflicted an introcision (incision of the entrance to the vagina), and then a gang rape. After that, the young woman joined the man who would become her husband, who had not participated in the ceremony and, from there, no other man than her husband could have sex with her. »
Pascal Picq
And evolution created the woman (OJ. Sc. HUMANS) |
Pascal Picq
And evolution created the woman (OJ. Sc. HUMANS)
« If the human baby acquires a very large brain at birth, it is more because of genetic mutations acting very early in the course of ontogenesis than because of an extension of gestation time. Brain volume remains moderate in utero, but increases again after birth until the age of 10-20 months; it is secondary altriciality. »
Pascal Picq
And evolution created the woman (OJ. Sc. HUMANS) |
Pascal Picq
And evolution created the woman (OJ. Sc. HUMANS)
« His book (The Parentage of Man, Charles Darwin) deals with the importance of sexual s e l e c tion in relation to natural s e l e c tion (in men). He concludes that the former has certainly played a more important role in the morphological and cognitive differentiations between women and men and, unlike the majority of species where males are more beautiful, it is women who are in our species. »
Pascal Picq
And evolution created the woman (OJ. Sc. HUMANS) |
Pascal Picq
And evolution created the woman (OJ. Sc. HUMANS)