« The mind is cunning, it invents a thousand and one reasons to exist, it which has no other use than to obscure the being and divert it from its way. »
Pierre Bordage
The Panca Fraternity, Volume 1: Brother Ewen |
Pierre Bordage
The Panca Fraternity, Volume 1: Brother Ewen
« I later learned that we needed to give names, references, phenomena that we did not understand, but that behind miracles were other ways of understanding the world. Thus the wonders we attributed to the angels are said elsewhere natural laws, physical principles or planetary peculiarities. »
Pierre Bordage
The Panca Fraternity, Volume 1: Brother Ewen |
Pierre Bordage
The Panca Fraternity, Volume 1: Brother Ewen
« I should probably explain to you what money, finance, stock market, speculators, subprimes (an invention that I took more than thirty local days to understand), I will just tell you that some, a tiny minority, amass wealth while others, an overwhelming majority, languish in exaggerated misery. Before, their societies were divided into masters and slaves, lords and serfs, and are now divided into possessors and destitute. The rage of owning one feeds the hatred of others, and it is very likely that this imbalance will provide them with an excellent pretext to start another deadly war. Thus, in 2008 some got rich by speculating on the grain while the others, deprived of food, were starving. Of course, they do not live in the same places, but with their communication systems, they are fully informed of what is going on around them. They already don't care about those who die on the sidewalks of their cities; what interest would they show for those who perish by their own fault several thousand kilometres from their homes? (The little girl with the piercing look) »
Pierre Bordage
Yesterday I'll give you my news |
Pierre Bordage
Yesterday I'll give you my news