« In short, vertigo is what the reader can feel when opening a science fiction, fantasy or fantasy book. If he does not accept to lose his bearings to find them better, then the reader will refuse the trip, close the book by pestering against his purchase, against his loan or against the lost time. We must get out of his conditioning, from her here and now, to deposit her habits like suitcases a little too loaded, and dive drunkenly into another and tomorrow that enchants, worries and questions. http://www.huffingtonpost.fr/pierre-bordage/pourquoi-sevader2-dans-des-mondes-imaginaires-quand-le-reel-nous-propose-deja-tant-de-possibilites_a_23253628/?utm_hp_ref=fr-homepage »
Pierre Bordage
(Source unknown) |
Pierre Bordage
(Source unknown)
« "If the little whore is smart, she can become the queen of the hive," said Fonch. If she refuses to obey, she will serve as a doormat for all the maniacs of this pit. » »
Pierre Bordage
Abzalon |
Pierre Bordage
« I have discovered that miracles take all forms, that breathing, walking, talking, thinking, loving are miracles that are constantly renewed. »
Pierre Bordage
The Panca Fraternity, Volume 1: Brother Ewen |
Pierre Bordage
The Panca Fraternity, Volume 1: Brother Ewen