« Adam can't get away from the book. Which demonstrates over and over again how the so-called Homo sapiens fails to solve the most basic logic problems. On the other hand, men excel at quickly determining who is included or excluded, in grace or disgrace, worthy of being praised or mercilessly chastised. Ability to put the most basic rationality into practice? Almost nil. Ability to lock others in boxes? Remarkable and tireless. »
Richard POWERS
The World Tree |
Richard POWERS
The World Tree
« There were six trillion trees in the world when humans appeared. There's half of it left. Half of which will be gone in a hundred years. »
Richard POWERS
The World Tree |
Richard POWERS
The World Tree
« Douglas Pavlicek replants a clearing as vast as downtown Eugene, and greets every plant he affectionately borders. Hold on. You just have to last one or two centuries. For you guys, it's a breeze. We just have to survive. Then there will be no one to bother you. »
Richard POWERS
The World Tree |
Richard POWERS
The World Tree