« Is there anything more vulgar than nicknames. There is in the people they give. »
William Faulkner
Le bruit et la fureur |
William Faulkner
Le bruit et la fureur
« It's sad in love, is that love cannot last forever, but despairs that it causes are soon forgotten. »
William Faulkner
Monnaie de singe |
William Faulkner
Monnaie de singe
« The young authors of today have forgotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself which alone can give beautiful lyrics. Because there is only this that deserves to be written, which deserves all this pain and all this sweat. »
William Faulkner
Discours pour le Prix Nobel de Littérature, 1950 |
William Faulkner
Discours pour le Prix Nobel de Littérature, 1950