Quotations from Xavier Crettiez in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Xavier Crettiez, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« "Of course, this consideration of discourse is not enough to grasp the logics of radical engagement. Ideas and feelings are the fuel of action, but lacks the machinery that passes through fundamental encounters, places of socialization to violence, experiences of living abroad in conflict zones, confrontation with certain injustices or violence that arouse anger or resentment, support of real and virtual networks that bring commitments to life. It is also the singular biographical itinerary of each actor that needs to be carefully traced to capture the key stages of a radicalization rarely sudden, always progressive and heckled. (p. 10) »
Xavier Crettiez
Soldiers of God - Words of Incarceres Jihadists
Xavier Crettiez
Soldiers of God - Words of Incarceres Jihadists
« "`Proposal of Michel` "I like to use the word convert, because I really see it as a war of religion, because it really is the values of the republic, Western values, secularism, democracy and human rights, etc., although in human rights there are Islamic things... Here it is: secularism, democracy, nationalism, and after all Western culture as the mix and freedom of women... it's all the religion of the West..." (p. 136) »
Xavier Crettiez
Soldiers of God - Words of Incarceres Jihadists
Xavier Crettiez
Soldiers of God - Words of Incarceres Jihadists
« If the figure of the rebel inspires so much scholarly and popular culture, it is first because it poses, in negative, the enigma of obedience or the "voluntary servitude" to power that is, one might say, eternal, but particularly tarnish our societies since the eighteenth century. »
Xavier Crettiez
Rebel France. All homes, movements and actors of protest
Xavier Crettiez
Rebel France. All homes, movements and actors of protest
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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